180 Day Guarantee

ZyGain® Complete comes with a 180 day guarantee! That’s a full 6 month product guarantee! Why do we offer a 180-day Guarantee? Because we are confident that This System Works! Simply use ZyGain® Complete and if you do not experience ANY results you can return the product to us WITHIN 180 DAYS OF YOUR PURCHASE and receive a refund* of the product charges. *All Andromedical extenders that have been opened are subject to a $50 restocking/disposal fee due to being a medical product..

No Hassles, Just Results And Complete Peace of Mind. In the unlikely event that a return is necessary please contact us to begin the process.

Be sure to include your full name, date of purchase and invoice number.

We recommend that packages are sent with tracked shipping as we are not able to take responsibility for lost returns.

We have seen many competitor products offer lots of things but we know you will find ZyGain® Complete lives up to its claims. Order Today and feel the comfort of knowing that in the highly unlikely event that you do not see results, we will refund your order as per our guarantee above..
Please note Results May Very – Lifestyle, Diet and Overall Health will affect results. A majority of clients who use ZyGain® Complete see results within 60 days, but please use the products as directed and if need be contact us for the recommended usage of the products for Optimal and Desired Results.

*Refunds are limited to one order per customer. No Exceptions. A $50 restocking/disposal fee will not be refunded due to being a medical device.